Representation in court
When resolving any dispute, it is better not to go to court, but to resolve it through negotiations.
But if you nevertheless had to apply for the protection of your rights and interests in court, then it is better to turn to a court attorney with many years of experience for help.
Considering that almost all of us have the Internet, we often think that there is no need to pay a lawyer because you can find a sample of a document on the Internet and prepare the document yourself. Such a decision may be correct, but, as practice shows, the quality of such documents is insufficient to obtain the maximum result.
If you need a process, you can prepare a claim on your own or contact a lawyer with no experience in the courts!
If you need a result, contact a trial lawyer who knows the process and all the intricacies of representing your client's interests in court.
Lawyers of the law firm "NOVAKOVSKA & PARTNERS" have more than 15 years of experience in representing interests in judicial bodies in all instances of both government bodies and business structures and individuals. CONTACT US
Services of a court attorney in civil, criminal, economic and administrative cases:
- familiarization with the case materials;
- providing a legal opinion;
- collection of evidence;
- preparation of a statement of claim, statements, petitions;
- preparation of an appeal;
- preparation of a review;
- preparation of a cassation appeal;
- participation in court hearings;
- other actions necessary to protect the rights and interests of the principal.
At least 5 lawyers with experience in different areas of law work on each case, and together they will develop a strategist for YOUR DEFENSE! CONTACT US