Land affairs
A land plot can be bought, rented, inherited, received as a gift. However, the use of a land plot with the above rights may entail various problems.
Over the past years, most often disputes have arisen related to the registration of ownership of a land plot and obtaining title documents. With the change in legislation, the procedure for registering land plots has also undergone changes, which are skillfully used by licensed organizations, not in favor of citizens. Registration of property rights to land plots drags on for years and does not always come to the end result, documents (project documentation) are lost, and people without legal education do not know how to behave in such a situation.
Often contradictions arise between the owners of land plots regarding the boundaries of land plots, and very often the latter, being in a state of hostility, are ready to go to court, as a result of which they become enemies for life. But the decision of such a dispute in court is not a priority.
To resolve such a dispute, it is often enough just to get the coordinates of your land plot and contact a surveyor so that he, in accordance with these coordinates, took out the land plot in kind.
In our country, the transfer of real estate by inheritance, including land, for two or more persons is practiced.
After receiving such an inheritance, the heirs have joint partial ownership without establishing boundaries, and all possible and impossible problems and claims to each other begin. In this case, you only need the help of a qualified lawyer, who, working with government agencies, will help you allocate your part in the inheritance and, at your request, register ownership of it.
In fact, it is simply impossible to enumerate all the issues arising in the field of land tenure and land use, there are a lot of them. To avoid any problems, you need to contact a land lawyer who, first of all, will save your health, time, money and professionally protect your rights and interests in the ownership and use of a land plot, both in pre-trial and in court.
The need for legal support in the procedure for registering ownership or lease of a land plot is also due to the fact that after obtaining ownership or lease rights to a land plot, disputes may arise about the legality of obtaining a land plot for ownership or use. Recognition of transactions or decisions of executive authorities or local self-government bodies as invalid may result in the loss of ownership or the right to use a land plot. The loss of these rights may mean the termination of economic activity.
One of the partners of Novakovska & Partners is a lawyer who has not only 15 years of experience in land issues but is also a candidate of legal sciences. He has published a large number of books and articles on land issues and is able to protect your rights at a high level.
List of services on land issues:
- consultation on land issues;
- preparation of complaints to local authorities and prosecutors;
- preparation of a statement of claim;
- removal of the boundaries of the land plot;
- allocation of a share from a common shared or joint property;
- representation of interests in court;
- registration of ownership of a land plot;
- appeal against refusal to provide a land plot;
- determination of the procedure for the use of a land plot;
- recognition of transactions with land plots invalid;
- preparation of a superficies contract, support for signing (for construction);
- legal support for the sale and purchase of a land plot;
- division and unification of land plots.
Other services related to land issues:
- obtaining an extract from the State Land Cadastre;
- registration of a lease agreement for a land plot;
- registration of ownership and the right to use a land plot;
- land plot allocation project;
- change in the designated purpose of the land plot;
- assignment of a cadastral number to a land plot.
We help you with all land issues
Land privatization
Privatization of state and communal land plots.
Stages of privatization of land plots of state and municipal property.
Cost from 20,000 hryvnias.
Changing the purpose of the land plot
According to their intended purpose, land plots are divided into categories. The land plot can be used only in accordance with its intended purpose. Sometimes the purpose of a land plot does not allow carrying out the activities that the owner of the land plot would like to carry out. For example, a person has a land plot on the right of ownership for personal agriculture and wants to build on it.
However, the purpose of such a land plot does not allow building it up completely. In order to go To build a land plot in this way, it is necessary to change the purpose of the land plot.
Cost from 30,000 hryvnias.
Land contracts
Agreements on the transfer of ownership of a land plot are a contract for the sale and purchase of a land plot, an agreement for the exchange of a land plot, a donation agreement for a land plot, etc. The main feature of these contracts is that the ownership of one person is transferred to another. Errors during the conclusion of these agreements can have a significant impact on the possibility of their further use, and in some cases, such errors can lead to the fact that the ownership of such a land plot does not arise at all. This may become clear after a very long time after the conclusion of such an agreement. The consequence of such an error may be the loss of investment in the construction of buildings and structures on such a land plot. In this regard, the conclusion of contracts providing for the transfer of ownership of a land plot requires legal support.
The most common problems accompanying the entire process of concluding and executing contracts related to the transfer of ownership of a land plot are the following problems.
Inappropriate wording of the essential terms of the contract. The consequence of this is that the contract can be recognized as not concluded, and this will not entail the transfer of ownership of the land plot.
Conclusion of a sham sale and purchase agreement for a land plot. A sham is a contract entered into by the parties to cover up another transaction that they actually entered into. The consequence of the conclusion of a sham contract is the application to the relations of the parties of the rules on the contract concluded by the parties in reality. The contract of sale and purchase of a land plot may also cover other contracts providing for the acquisition of only the right to use land plots. If it turns out that the parties meant only the conclusion of a superficies agreement, then the rules governing superficies will be applied to the legal relations of the parties, and there will be no transfer to the other side of the ownership of the land plot.
The content of the contract may be contrary to applicable law. Such a deficiency in the sale and purchase agreement may lead to its invalidity, the consequence of which will be that the owner will not pass to the buyer.
Lawyers of Novakovska & Partners will provide you with legal assistance on all issues arising in connection with the right to use and dispose of land plots. CONTACT US
Land lease agreement
A significant part of the land plots is used on the basis of a lease agreement. Errors made during the conclusion can lead to obstacles for the further use of the land and the protection of the tenant's rights to the lessor. The legislation of Ukraine regulates the legal relations of land lease in a very contradictory manner. The consequence of such regulation is the difficulty of delimiting the lease right from the property rights, which makes it possible to use the land plot.
Often, when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot, a person does not suspect that in fact the concluded agreement is not a lease agreement, but is an agreement that establishes a real right to a land plot. At the same time, the list of rights that a lease agreement gives to the lessee differs significantly from the rights arising from the conclusion of real contracts.