Temporary residence permit in Ukraine
Foreigners and stateless persons staying in Ukraine have the right to obtain a temporary residence permit in Ukraine:
- for employment;
- to participate in the implementation of international technical assistance projects registered in a prescribed manner;
- for the preaching of religious teachings, the performance of religious rites or other canonical activities at the invitation of religious organizations and in agreement with the state body that registered the respective religious organization;
- to participate in the activities of branches, divisions, representations, and other structural centers of public (non-governmental) organizations of foreign states, registered in the prescribed manner;
- to work in representative offices of foreign business entities in Ukraine, registered in accordance with the established procedure;
- to work in branches or representative offices of foreign banks registered in accordance with the established procedure;
- for the implementation of cultural, scientific, educational activities on the grounds and in the manner established by international treaties of Ukraine or special programs, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who have arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of participating in international and regional volunteer programs or participating in the activities of volunteer organizations, registered in Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure;
- to work as a correspondent or representative of foreign media;
- who are founders and/or participants and/or beneficial owners (controllers) of a legal entity registered in Ukraine, and the size of a part of the property of which or a foreign legal entity, the beneficiary (controller) of which such foreigners or stateless persons are, in the authorized capital of the Ukrainian legal entity. Cost is not less than 100 euro at the official exchange rate established by the National Bank on the date of the foreign investment;
- for the purpose of training;
- for the purpose of family reunification with persons who are citizens of Ukraine or who, during their stay on legal grounds in the territory of Ukraine, in separately specified cases, have entered into marriage with citizens of Ukraine;
- for the purpose of family reunification with separately defined categories of foreigners and stateless persons staying on the territory of Ukraine.
The right to obtain a temporary residence permit in Ukraine is reserved for foreigners and stateless persons who, after completing the boundary line of stay at the points of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons illegally staying in Ukraine and applied for a temporary residence permit.
Documents for obtaining a residence permit are submitted to the SMS authorities at the place of residence of a foreigner or stateless person. Documents for obtaining a residence permit are submitted no later than 15 working days before the end of the established line of stay in Ukraine.
- a passport document of a foreigner or a document confirming the identity of a stateless person with a type D visa, unless otherwise provided by the legislation and international treaties of Ukraine;
- a document confirming the identity of the legal representative and a document confirming the authority of the person as a legal representative (if the documents are submitted by the legal representative);
- translation into Ukrainian of a page of a foreigner's passport or stateless identity document with personal data, certified in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- valid health insurance policy;
- a document confirming the grounds for obtaining a residence permit;
- a document confirming the payment of the administrative fee, or a document on the exemption from its payment.
In each case, a separate package of documents is submitted, depending on the basis on which the person applies for a residence permit.
A temporary residence permit in Ukraine is issued within 15 working days from the date of acceptance of documents from a foreigner or stateless person and is issued for a period of 1 year.
Foreigners and stateless persons who, in accordance with the law, arrived in Ukraine for employment, a temporary residence permit in Ukraine is issued for the period of work in Ukraine, which is indicated in the work permit. Foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in Ukraine to participate in the implementation of international technical assistance projects registered in the prescribed manner, a residence permit is issued for the lines of the implementation of the international technical assistance project, which is indicated in the registration card of the project. Foreigners and stateless persons who are founders and/or participants and/or beneficial owners (controllers) of a legal entity registered in Ukraine are issued a residence permit for two years. Foreigners and persons m without citizenship who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of studying, a residence permit is issued for the period of study, which is determined by the order of the educational institution on the establishment of periods of study for foreign students.
A foreigner or stateless person may be denied a permit for temporary residence in Ukraine if:
- a foreigner or stateless person has a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence permit (except in cases of exchange of a residence permit), a refugee certificate or an identity card of a person who has been granted subsidiary protection, valid on the day of application;
- a foreigner or a stateless person stays on the territory of Ukraine in violation of the established stay period or an unfulfilled decision of an authorized state body on forced return, forced expulsion, or a ban on entry is in effect;
- data received from the Register database, card files, do not confirm the information provided by a foreigner or stateless person;
- it was established that the person belongs to the citizenship of Ukraine;
- a legal representative who does not have documented authority to obtain it has applied for a residence permit;
- a foreigner or a stateless person has not submitted in full or in violation of the deadlines established by law, documents and information required for registration and issuance of a residence permit;
- received from the National Police, the SBU, another state body, information that the actions of a foreigner or stateless person threaten national security, public order, health, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine and other persons living in Ukraine;
- a passport document of a foreigner or a document proving the identity of a stateless person, forged, spoiled or does not correspond to the established pattern or belonging to another person, or whose validity lines have expired;
- it has been established that a foreigner or stateless person has provided deliberately false statements or forged documents;
- facts of non-fulfillment by a foreigner or stateless person of a decision of a court or state bodies authorized to impose administrative penalties, or he has other property obligations to the state, individuals or legal entities, including those associated with the previous expulsion from Ukraine, including after the end of the ban line further entry into Ukraine;
- in other cases, provided by law.
No later than 15 working days before the end of the established line of stay in Ukraine, a foreigner or stateless person has the right to reapply to the territorial body / territorial subdivision of the SMS, the authorized entity in case of changes or elimination of the circumstances in connection with which they were denied the registration or issuance of a permit for temporary residence in Ukraine.
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